Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows? What to Know About the S'mores Staple

Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows? What to Know About the S'mores Staple

Can dogs eat marshmallows? Although these sweet treats may seem harmless at first glance and are not toxic for dogs, it is a best practice to keep your dog away from marshmallows. Some marshmallows contain ingredients like xylitol that are toxic to dogs, so it's best to just stay away from this sweet treat.

We talked with experts about the risks associated with feeding your dog marshmallows and their recommendations for other safer treats for dogs.

Are Marshmallows Safe for Dogs?

Although dogs can technically eat marshmallows, it is not generally recommended due to the various risks and dangers that can occur. “Marshmallows have no meaningful nutritional value to dogs as they are very high in sugar and don't contain many other nutrients,” says Danielle Adams, DVM, associate veterinarian at VCA Firehouse Animal Hospital.

If your dog happens to get ahold of a marshmallow one time, or you mindlessly feed your dog one (without xylitol) on occasion, it likely won’t negatively impact your dog too much, says Sara Ochoa, DVM, co-founder of How To Pets. However, the risks associated with dogs eating marshmallows far outweigh their benefits.

If your dog does eat marshmallows, they could experience weight gain, a potential choking hazard, and risk of xylitol poisoning," says Grant Little, DVM, and JustAnswer Veterinarian Expert. Sugar is not good for dogs to consume regularly because it can't be properly digested by their digestive system and often leads to weight gain, stomach upset, and even allergic reactions.

As is often the case in humans, dogs who consume too much sugar can also develop health problems, such as diabetes or pancreatitis, says Anna Kaufman, DVM, a vet with Bond Vet.

What Happens If My Dog Eats Marshmallows?

If your dog does eat marshmallows, Little says they might experience some adverse reactions, including

Adams adds that if your dog eats too many marshmallows over a long period of time, weight gain can occur. Your dog may also experience dental issues including tooth decay and allergic reactions such as itching, hives, and swelling if marshmallows are consumed, Ochoa says. 

Xylitol and Marshmallows

Xylitol is a sugar alternative or sugar alcohol that can be fatal if dogs consume it, even in small quantities. “In dogs specifically, xylitol triggers the body to release large amounts of insulin (similar to when you have a sugary meal), and since xylitol does not behave the same way as real sugar, the high levels of insulin cause blood sugar to drop dangerously low which can cause disorientation, seizures, coma, or death," Adams says.

If you do share a nibble of a marshmallow with your dog or if they ever get one that fell to the floor, check the ingredients. If it contains xylitol, call your vet to see if you need to take your dog for emergency care.

Alternatives to Marshmallows for Dogs

There are alternatives to marshmallows that are much better for dogs. Our vet experts recommend the following fruits and veggies that will keep your dog healthy without too many calories. 

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