Worms in Dog Poop: What to Do

Worms in Dog Poop: What to Do

If you see worms in your dog's poop, it might mean your dog has intestinal parasites. There are many types of parasites that can affect dogs, and some types of worms can actually be seen in a dog's feces. This can be shocking even for experienced dog owners. Here's what to do if you find worms in your dog's poop.

Why There Are Worms in Your Dog’s Poop

Seeing worms in dog poop is a sign of intestinal parasites. Dogs pick up parasites after coming into contact with eggs in the soil or stool from an infected dog. They ingest the microscopic eggs of the parasites after grooming themselves or eating contaminated soil or feces.

It's not very common to see adult worms in dog poop. Dogs are typically diagnosed with intestinal parasites after a positive fecal test. But when adult intestinal worms die or become weak, they may be passed in the stool. The most common worms seen in dog poop are roundworms and tapeworms. Hookworms and whipworms are common as well, but they are very small and not typically seen with the naked eye.

Signs of Worms in Dogs

If you find worms in your dog's stool, you may notice other abnormal signs. Dogs with intestinal parasites may or may not exhibit signs of illness.

You may be able to identify the type of worm based on its appearance and your dog's signs. It's even possible to find harmless worms in your dog's stool. Some types of worms will simply pass in the stool after being eaten by the dog. However, it's important to contact your veterinarian for advice. They can confirm the type of worm present by analyzing a stool sample.


Roundworms are common in puppies but can also occur in adult dogs. These parasites live in the intestines and feed off nutrients ingested by the dog. Dogs with roundworm infections may shed whole worms in their stool that look a bit like spaghetti. Other signs of roundworms include vomiting, diarrhea, and bloated abdomen. Some dogs experience coughing as the larvae migrate through the lungs. Roundworms may cause weight loss or make it difficult for growing puppies to gain weight.


Tapeworms are segmented flatworms that live in the dog's intestines and absorb nutrients for survival. The worms shed segments of their bodies that may move like tiny worms while still alive. These segments eventually dry and release eggs in order to repeat their life cycle. When dried, the segments look like small grains of rice that may be seen around the dog's anus or on the bedding. Tapeworms are usually transmitted by fleas that carry the parasite. They rarely lead to health problems in dogs, but the segments may cause itching and irritation.


Hookworms are thin worms that measure less than an inch long. They attach to the intestinal wall and feed on the dog's blood and tissue. This can lead to anemia and blood in the stool. Hookworm larvae can also burrow into the skin and cause areas of irritation.


Whipworms are up to three inches long with a whip-like tail on one end. These parasites attach to the intestinal wall and feed on the dog's blood. Like hookworms, whipworms can cause anemia and blood in the feces. Some dogs with whipworms can develop a severe complication called pseudohypoadrenocorticism, which can in severe vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and electrolyte abnormalities.

What to Do If You Find Worms in Your Dog's Poop

Contact your veterinarian if you notice worms in your dog's poop. Your vet's office will recommend bringing a sample of your dog's stool for fecal testing. They will analyze the stool sample microscopically to look for parasite eggs. Your dog may also need a physical examination.

If parasite eggs are found, your veterinarian will administer the appropriate dewormer to your dog. Additional treatments may be necessary if the parasites have caused other problems, such as diarrhea or anemia. Other potential treatments include anti-diarrhea drugs and antibiotics for secondary infections. A blood transfusion may be needed in severe cases of anemia.

After deworming, the dog may pass worms in the stool that are dead and dying. This is normal at first, but contact your vet if it continues for several days.

How to Prevent Parasitic Infection in Dogs

It's fairly easy to prevent the most common intestinal parasites from affecting your dog. Most monthly heartworm preventives contain ingredients that also kill common intestinal parasites. By using monthly heartworm prevention, you can keep your dog safe from both heartworms and common intestinal parasites. Ask your vet about the best option for your dog.

You can also reduce the risk of parasites by stopping your dog from eating soil and other dogs' poop. However, dogs may still ingest parasite eggs through self-grooming after walking in a contaminated area.

  • Can I treat my dog for worms without going to the vet?

    Some dewormers are available over-the-counter, but they don't kill all intestinal parasites. You'll first need to confirm the type of worm to make sure to use the correct treatment. It's possible your dog has more than one type of parasite, so the best plan is to contact your veterinarian.

  • What are the white worms in dog poop?

    Tapeworms are commonly seen in dog poop and look like grains of rice. However, many intestinal parasites appear white. Look at the size and shape of the worms to best identify them.

  • What are the long thin worms in dog poop?

    Roundworms are long, thin worms that resemble spaghetti.

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