It may seem like your dog is panting for no reason, but panting is a common dog behavior that always has a cause. To figure out why your dog is panting, consider what else might be happening to your dog at that moment. , perhaps excessively or maybe at night, Are they anxious? Hot? Dehydrated? Here are some common reasons why dogs pant and what to do about it.
Moderate to rapid open-mouthed respiration is a normal dog behavior that lowers body temperature and gets oxygen into the dog's bloodstream. A panting dog breathes with an open mouth and a somewhat protruding tongue. There are several reasons why dogs pant, including cooling, excitement, stress, and discomfort.
Panting should not be confused with labored breathing. This strained respiration may be accompanied by sounds of distress like crying or whining, or whistles from the nostrils or windpipe due to blockage. Contact a veterinarian immediately if your dog is experiencing labored breathing.
Panting is a cooling mechanism for dogs. Dogs do not have an effective system of sweat glands like people do. Instead, dogs cool their bodies using the evaporation of moisture from the mouth and tongue and exchanging the hot air of their lungs with cooler external air.
Even if they are not overheating, dogs will pant from exercise. It's much like the way humans breathe heavily when doing aerobic exercise.
Panting allows dogs to release heat and exchange it for cooler air. As you may imagine, this is not a very efficient process—and it's even less efficient for short-faced dogs (like bulldogs or pugs). That's why dogs start to pant even when they get even a little bit warm. The hotter a dog becomes, the more intense the panting becomes.
Sometimes, heavy panting is accompanied by drooling and redness of the tongue and gums. Along with profound panting, warning signs of overheating include a bright red tongue and gums, wide eyes, and weakness. An overheated dog can quickly develop heat stroke, which is an emergency situation.
Panting may have nothing to do with body temperature. Many dogs will pant when they experience fear, anxiety, or stress. Examples include car rides, fireworks, separation anxiety, vet visits, and other stressful events. Look at your dog's body language to help you determine if your dog is showing signs of fear or any other type of distress. Understanding the cause of fear or anxiety in your dog can help you minimize these incidents. If panting seems to be related to fear, anxiety, or stress, it's best to remove your dog from the situation as soon as you can.
Panting may simply be a sign of happiness in your dog. If so, the rest of your dog's body language will reflect this happy mood. The tail will usually be wagging in a happy way. Your dog's body and facial features will be somewhat relaxed. The eyes will appear bright and happy. Once things calm down, the panting will slow down and eventually stop. Continued mild panting with an open mouth and bright eyes is normal in a relaxed, content dog. In fact, many people consider this to be a doggie smile.
Dogs are pretty good at hiding pain and illness from humans. Some dogs try harder than others to hide their discomfort. However, once they reach a certain level of discomfort, they often cannot help but show signs, such as panting. Look for other signs of illness or pain, such as vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, limping, pacing, and behavior changes. Contact your veterinarian if you suspect that your dog is sick or injured.
Many physical health issues will cause dogs to pant more than usual. Here are just a few of the possible health-related reasons why your dog may be panting:
If you can tell that your dog is panting for normal reasons, such as play or excitement, intervention is not needed. Offer fresh, cool water and provide a cool place for your dog to relax. However, if you're not sure why your dog is panting, if the panting seems excessive, or if your dog is showing any signs of illness, bring them to the vet to get checked out.
If at any time you see that panting is extremely intense and cannot be explained, you should get your dog to the nearest veterinarian immediately. It's always best to play it safe and let your vet check things out.
Treatment for panting, if necessary, will depend on the cause. If it's due to heat, offer cool water or run the AC to help cool them down quicker. If the panting is caused by an underlying condition or physical problem, your veterinarian will help determine an appropriate treatment.
Take steps to prevent overheating by keeping your dog cool and minimizing exposure to heat. Always take careful steps to keep your dog safe in hot weather. Never leave a dog alone in a car, as cars can quickly get much hotter than the outside temperature. When in doubt, take your dog to the vet for medical attention.
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