Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Cloudy eyes in dogs may be caused by age-related changes, cataracts, dry eye, or a number of other eye conditions. Your dog's cloudy eyes may appear to have a hazy film or discoloration covering the eyes, and their vision may or may not be affected. Some cloudy eye conditions may be painful while others are not. It will take a thorough eye exam for your veterinarian to determine the cause of the cloudiness. Here are some possible reasons why your dog's eyes are cloudy and tips on what to do next.

What Are Cloudy Eyes?

Eye cloudiness typically occurs on the cornea of the eye and may look like a hazy film. You cannot miss the cloudiness because it is typically located on the cornea, which is the clear dome on the surface of each of your dog's eyes. Cloudy eyes in dogs can be a sign of an eye disorder or simply a part of the natural aging process.

Symptoms of Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Signs of cloudy eyes in dogs will vary depending on the cause of the condition. Certain symptoms can alert you that your dog may have an eye condition in addition to the clinical visual cue of cloudiness. Your dog may not experience all symptoms, but contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice changes in your dog's eyes.


  • Cloudy or hazy appearance to eyes
  • Rubbing or scratching eyes
  • Squinting
  • Excessive tearing or eye discharge
  • Red, irritated whites of eyes
  • Swelling or bulge in the eye
  • Vision loss (trouble finding food, bedding, items)

Cloudiness in Eyes

Cloudiness in the eyes can be noted in tones of gray, blue, white, or even red (though rare), with various degrees of opaqueness. The colors may indicate the causes of the cloudiness, but a veterinary exam is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.

  • Gray or bluish: Possible corneal ulcer, glaucoma, lenticular sclerosis, corneal endothelial degeneration, or uveitis (inflammation inside the eye)
  • Reddish: Possible corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis, or other injury
  • Silvery white/gray: possible corneal dystrophy
  • Milky white: possible cataracts

Eye Rubbing

If you see your dog squinting while pawing at or rubbing one eye and it looks a bit cloudy, your dog may have a corneal scratch or ulcer. Underlying uveitis, allergies, and several other eye conditions can also cause squinting and rubbing.

Red, Irritated Whites of Eyes

In addition to a bluish cloudiness in the eye, if your dog's eye whites appear to be red or inflamed, it could be conjunctivitis. This may indicate an injury, infection, or a disease like glaucoma.

Swelling or Bulge in Eye

If your dog's eyes are cloudy with a bluish tint and there seems to be a swelling or bulge inside the eye, it could also be a symptom of glaucoma or an injury.

Trouble Finding Items, Food, Bedding

If your dog is having trouble finding food, water, toys, or their way around the house, check the eyes for cloudiness which could be affecting vision. Plan to have your dog's eyes checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible, especially if vision loss is sudden.

Eye Discharge or Excessive Tearing

If you notice excess tears or a colored discharge from your dog's eyes in addition to cloudiness, it could be a corneal ulcer or an infection. Typically this will happen in one eye, but it may affect both. Uveitis, allergies, and other eye issues can cause similar signs and may occur in one or both eyes.

Causes of Cloudy Eyes

There are a number of ophthalmic conditions that can make a dog's eyes appear cloudy and some of these conditions are more serious than others. Many people first assume the cloudiness is caused by cataracts. Although this is sometimes the case, cloudy eyes may occur due to other eye problems. Here are some well-known conditions that cause cloudy eyes.

Lenticular Sclerosis

Also known as nuclear sclerosis, lenticular sclerosis is a normal eye condition that affects aging dogs and causes the lens of the eye to become hazy in appearance. The condition develops due to a buildup of old fibrous tissue in the lens of the eye located behind the iris. Lenticular sclerosis is common in middle-aged and senior dogs. Fortunately, the condition does not cause pain or blindness.


A cataract is an opacity on the lens of the eye. Unlike lenticular sclerosis, where the fibrous tissue builds up, a cataract causes a cloudy spot on the lens that grows over time. As the cataract grows, it blocks out light and reduces vision. Mature cataracts can cause complete blindness, lens luxation, and painful inflammation of the eye. Cataracts can progress and cause significant vision impairment if not treated. There are two types of cataracts seen in dogs:

Primary/Inherited Cataracts: These cataracts have a genetic basis and are passed down from one or both parents. They can develop at a young age, even in puppies, and are more common in certain dog breeds, including the American Cocker Spaniel, Boston terrier, bichon frise, and poodle.

Secondary (Non-Inherited/Acquired) Cataracts: These cataracts are caused by factors other than genetics. They can develop due to various conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, trauma to the eye, inflammation, or certain medications. Secondary cataracts can occur at any age and may progress rapidly, depending on the underlying cause.


Glaucoma occurs when there is increased pressure inside a dog's eye. When intraocular pressure remains high for too long, the optic nerve can become permanently damaged. This condition is very painful and can lead to blindness. Certain dog breeds are more prone to developing glaucoma, including many terrier breeds, basset hounds, chow chows, Dalmatians, and Siberian huskies.

Corneal Ulcers

A corneal ulcer is an injury to the surface of the eye (the cornea). Corneal ulcers typically occur when the cornea becomes scraped or scratched due to friction or trauma. The injured area becomes painful and the dog may make the ulcer worse by rubbing the eye. Many other eye conditions can lead to corneal ulcers. Left untreated, corneal ulcers can cause major damage to the eye.

Dry Eye (KCS)

Dry eye, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a chronic and inflammatory condition characterized by the insufficient production of tears, leading to dry and irritated eyes. KCS is uncomfortable for dogs and, left untreated, can lead to corneal damage. This condition is more common in some breeds, including bulldogsminiature schnauzers, shih tzus, and West Highland white terriers.

Corneal Endothelial Degeneration

Corneal endothelial degeneration is an age-related condition in dogs that causes opacity of the cornea. This condition occurs when the endothelial cells within the cornea no longer maintain a proper balance of fluids in the tissue of the cornea. This results in cloudiness that can lead to blindness. Corneal endothelial degeneration can cause painful secondary eye complications.

Corneal Dystrophy

Corneal dystrophy also causes opacity to the cornea of the eye. This condition occurs due to calcium or cholesterol deposits that build up on the cornea. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to corneal dystrophy. Corneal dystrophy may cause painful corneal ulcers and lead to blindness.


The uvea is the section of the eye behind the cornea. Uveitis is inflammation of the uvea and can occur secondary to trauma, infection, or systemic disease. Inflammation can result in the accumulation of inflammatory cells and proteins that make the eye appear cloudy.

Diagnosing Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Veterinarians perform eye exams with a variety of tools to determine the cause of ocular cloudiness, including:

  • Non-invasive high-resolution imaging techniques
  • An ophthalmoscope
  • Drops for pupil dilation
  • Special stains, such as fluorescein
  • A tonometer (typically used for glaucoma testing)
  • Other ophthalmic lights and filters

If your dog is diagnosed with lenticular sclerosis, your veterinarian will keep monitoring your pet for cataract development. If cataracts form and are not treated, glaucoma may develop.

Treatment for Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Treatment for cloudy eyes has a better chance of success if the eye disease is detected early. The proper treatment for cloudy eyes in dogs depends on the cause of the cloudiness:

  • Lenticular sclerosis: No treatment is available, nor is treatment necessary.
  • Cataracts: Surgery is the only treatment option.
  • Glaucoma: Topical eye medications are used to lower intraocular pressure.
  • Corneal ulcers: Topical medications are used, but severe ulcers may require surgical treatment.
  • Corneal endothelial degeneration: Treatment options are limited, but medications may be used as palliative treatment. Some specialized surgical options may be available through a veterinary ophthalmologist.
  • Corneal dystrophy: May be treated with a special diet to regulate cholesterol and calcium levels. Topical medications may also be used to manage this condition as well as secondary problems. Surgery may be necessary in some cases.
  • Uveitis: Treatment depends on the underlying cause but typically involves both topical and systemic medications. 

Prognosis for Dogs With Cloudy Eyes

The prognosis is often good for dogs with cloudy eyes, however, it will depend on the cause of the condition. Even if your dog's cloudy eyes result in blindness, your pet can have a long and quality life.

How to Prevent Cloudy Eyes

Cloudy eyes cannot always be prevented, but you can take precautions to protect your dog's eyes as best as possible. The best way to prevent most eye issues and other health problems in your dog is to visit the vet once or twice a year for a routine veterinary exam. This can allow the vet to detect and treat problems early, especially as your dog gets older.

Though you cannot prevent eye cloudiness that occurs with aging, as is the case with lenticular sclerosis, you can be aware of some other preventative measures:

  • Cataracts: Though cataracts may be hereditary and not preventable, it helps to know that diabetes mellitus may lead to cataract development. Help prevent it by properly managing your dog's diabetes.
  • Glaucoma: You and your vet can manage the eye diseases that cause glaucoma.
  • Corneal ulcers: This may be most preventable if you protect your dog from traumatic injuries. In addition, try your best to keep your dog from rubbing the eyes due to other eye problems by using an e-collar, or Elizabethan collar, as a temporary aid.
  • Corneal endothelial degeneration: This condition is often age-related, but may also occur secondary to other eye issues. You may be able to prevent it by identifying and treating other eye problems in your dog.
  • Corneal dystrophy: You may be able to prevent this with your vet's help by keeping calcium and cholesterol levels under control. Your vet can run routine lab tests to periodically check these levels. Routine lab work is always a good way to monitor your dog's overall health.
  • Uveitis: Uveitis may not always be preventable, but some cases occur secondary to infectious agents like viruses or tick-borne disease. Keeping your dog current on vaccines and preventatives can help prevent uveitis from infectious disease. 
  • Can conjunctivitis cause cloudy eyes in dogs?

    Yes, conjunctivitis in dogs can sometimes cause cloudy eyes. Conjunctivitis, also known as "pink eye," is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of the eyelids. When the conjunctiva becomes irritated or infected, it can lead to redness, swelling, discharge, and sometimes cloudiness in the affected eye.

  • Do cloudy eyes in dogs mean blindness?

    Cloudy eyes in dogs can be a sign of various eye conditions, and while they can indicate blindness in some cases, it is not always the case. Cloudy eyes are a symptom of an underlying issue, and the severity of the cloudiness and the specific condition causing it will determine whether blindness is a possibility.

  • How can I tell if a dog's eyes are cloudy?

    To check if a dog's eyes are cloudy, observe them in a well-lit area, ensuring the pupils appear black and round, and the iris is uniform in color and texture. Look for any whitish, hazy, or grayish film over the eye surface, indicating cloudiness, and also watch out for abnormal discharge, excessive tearing, or squinting, which may indicate eye problems. If any changes are noticed, a prompt visit to the veterinarian is crucial.

  • How old are dogs usually when they get cloudy eyes?

    The age at which dogs may develop cloudy eyes can vary depending on the underlying cause. Nuclear sclerosis is a normal aging change in the lens of the eye that typically affects older dogs starting around 6 to 8 years of age. Cataracts can be hereditary or develop due to other factors like diabetes. Hereditary cataracts often appear in puppies or young adult dogs. Cataracts caused by other factors can develop at any age but are more common in dogs aged 7 and over. Other causes of eye cloudiness are not necessarily age-related and may occur in dogs in any life stage.

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