Rat Terrier: Dog Breed Characteristics and Care

Rat Terrier: Dog Breed Characteristics and Care

Originally bred to work on farms, the rat terrier is a small dog with high energy levels, high exercise needs, and a strong propensity to hunt and chase. Sometimes known as a rattie, this breed has a muscular and compact body with perky ears and an alert face that's always ready for action. Although rat terriers are born hunters—and make excellent watchdogs—they can be loving, affectionate, and loyal to their family members.

Learn more about the rat terrier dog breed and their characteristics.

Breed Overview

GROUP: Terrier

HEIGHT: 10 to 13 inches (miniature); 13 to 18 inches (standard)

WEIGHT: 10 to 25 pounds

COAT: Smooth, shiny, and short coat

COAT COLOR: White, black, brown, tan, gray

LIFE SPAN: 12 to 18 years

TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, inquisitive, affectionate, lively, alert, loving


ORIGIN: United States

Characteristics of the Rat Terrier

Rat terriers are ideal for active families with a large, fenced-in space to run around to help manage their high energy. If their energy is not properly managed, rat terriers can become destructive when bored. It's also important to note that rat terriers have extremely strong prey drives, so they shouldn't be allowed to romp off-leash in open spaces where they can meet up with small animals unless you've done extensive recall training or desensitization.

History of the Rat Terrier

The rat terrier breed was created by combining traits of the fox terrier, bull terrier, Manchester terrier, and old English white terrier—among others. Rat terriers were originally bred to catch prey and hunt pests, such as rats, on farms, which is how they got their name. The farmers also wanted dogs who could do more than just hunt rats, so they also became good watchdogs and playmates for children.


Throughout the 1910s and 1920s, rat terrier breeders worked to propagate certain skills, resulting in several new lines in the breed. In the Midwest, rat terriers were bred with whippets and Italian greyhounds to produce quick dogs that could help control jackrabbit populations. In Central and Southwest America, they were bred with beagles to improve their hunting skills and to create more pack-oriented dogs. In the 1920s, toy fox terriers that were too large for their breeding programs were bred with rat terriers, resulting in toy-sized, or miniature, rat terriers.


The rat terrier was common on American farms, but populations began to decline in the 1940s and 1950s when farmers began to use poison to control pests and vermin. A small number of breeders maintained the breed until they came back into popularity in the 1970s.

Two other types of rat terriers were developed during this time, including the decker rat terrier and the hairless rat terrier. The decker rat terrier is a slightly larger dog that excels in hunting and will retrieve from water, while the hairless rat terrier is a smaller, hairless dog that comes in miniature and standard sizes.

Rat Terrier Care

Although rat terriers are low-maintenance in terms of grooming, they are high-maintenance in the exercise and training areas. Here's how to properly care for a rat terrier.


Because the rat terrier was bred as a working and hunting dog, it has very high energy levels and exercise needs. You can expect to exercise your rat terrier for at least an hour each day—ideally, in a fenced-in space with room to run around. They are fast runners and high jumpers, so make sure the fence is 5 to 6 feet high. Rat terriers have a strong prey drive, so allowing them to play off-leash in an open space isn't recommended. If you don't have a fenced-in area for your rat terrier to run, be sure to incorporate long walks each day and other training games for mental stimulation.


Grooming requirements for the rat terrier include:

  • Ear cleaning: If you notice a waxy build-up in your dog's ears, gently clean them with a cotton cloth. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the delicate inner ear structures.
  • Dental care: Daily teeth brushing is ideal, but brushing at least weekly can help protect your dog against dental and oral disease. Dental treats are fine in moderation, but shouldn't be the only method of dental care.
  • Coat brushing: Brush your rat terrier with a rubber mitt or soft brush to remove loose hair and debris.
  • Bathing (as needed): Because they have very short, dense, smooth coats, you can bathe your dog on an as-needed basis. It's important to note that this breed experiences heavier shedding during the fall, spring, and heat cycles.


Like many terriers, the rat terrier is highly intelligent and can be stubborn. What's more, this breed can become destructive when they're bored or unstimulated. Training and obedience may be challenging, but it's vital for proper behavior and socialization. Keep training interesting—and keep your rat engaged—by incorporating games, rewards, and other forms of positive reinforcement.

Common Health Problems

Rat terriers are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, may be susceptible to certain health conditions. There's no guarantee your rat terrier will—or won't—develop these conditions, but it's important to know the signs and symptoms should they arise in your dog.

Some health problems that are commonly seen in rat terriers include:

  • Incorrect bites: A slightly deformed jaw bone can result in an incorrect, or misaligned, bite. There are three types of incorrect bites, which are all seen in rat terriers: an overshot bite; an undershot bite; and wry mouth, or a twisting of the mouth. If your rat terrier doesn't grow out of her misaligned bite after 10 months, it's unlikely she ever will. Surgery may be performed to correct serious misaligned bites that interfere with chewing or swallowing.
  • Demodectic mange: A condition caused by demodex mites, this condition can affect rat terriers with suppressed or weakened immune systems. Look for signs like redness, patchiness, or balding on the head, neck, or front legs.
  • Allergies: A condition that can be found in all breeds, your dog can develop food, contact, or airborne allergies. Treatment depends on your dog's specific allergy and reaction.

If you're worried about your rat terrier's health, talk to your vet about simple ways you can help him live a long, happy, healthy life.

Diet and Nutrition

Your rat terrier's diet will depend largely on her size, age, and activity levels, but you can expect to feed her between .25 cups (for dogs weighing ten pounds or less) and 2 cups per day (for dogs weighing between 30 and 40 pounds) of high-protein, high-quality dog food.

Remember to give treats in moderation. Overeating can lead to dangerous health conditions, including:

Where to Adopt or Buy a Rat Terrier

Rat terriers may be an easy breed to find in your area. Check your local animal shelter for rat terriers or rat terrier mixes. Websites like Petfinder.com make it easy to search shelters in your area by breed, size, sex, and more. If you have a hard time finding a rattie in a shelter, look for rescue organizations in your area.

If you choose to buy a rat terrier from a breeder, be sure to do your research to ensure you're working with an ethical, responsible breeder. Ask lots of questions, like "Where are the puppies kept?" and "How many litters do you produce per year?" If possible, ask to visit the breeding site and to meet the litters' parents. Be on the lookout for signs of backyard breeding, like unsanitary conditions or unhealthy dogs.

Rat Terrier Overview

Here are some pros and cons of rat terriers.

Pros of the Rat Terrier

  • Loving, loyal, and affectionate to family members
  • Excellent playmates for older kids
  • Low-maintenance grooming and bathing

Cons of the Rat Terrier

  • High energy levels and exercise needs, which may be difficult for busy families
  • High drives for chasing and digging
  • May be difficult to train, due to their intelligence

More Breeds and Further Research

As always, be sure to do your research and ensure a rat terrier is right for your family's lifestyle before bringing a dog home.

If you're interested in breeds similar to the rat terrier, check out:

  • Are rat terriers good apartment dogs?

    Although rat terriers can thrive in smaller spaces, like apartments or condos, those living in small spaces should remember that ratties were bred to run—so they need at least 40 minutes of exercise each day—and they have a strong instinct to bark a lot.

  • Are rat terriers good for a first-time dog owners?

    Because a rat terrier is highly intelligent and active, they may be difficult to train if you're a first-time dog owner. The dog doesn't live to please their humans (like a Lab or golden retriever), which can be frustrating for a new dog owner. If you are a first-time dog owner and bring home a rat terrier, hire a positive reinforcement trainer to help from day one.

  • Are rat terriers good with other small animals in the house?

    Because they were bred to hunt pests and vermin, it's highly advised that owners avoid bringing small animals into the home as pets, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, or birds. This dog may even consider cats and kittens as prey. Even a well-trained rat terrier may forget their manners around a squirrel, so imagine if your rattie encounters a hamster ball rolling around under its nose!

  • Is a rat terrier and Teddy Roosevelt terrier the same type of dog?

    No, rat terriers and Teddy Roosevelt terriers are not the same type of dog. Teddies have longer legs than rat terriers, otherwise, they are very similar in nature and physical characteristics.

  • Are rat terriers aggressive?

    As with all dogs, the amount of socialization and training each individual dog receives will determine their levels of aggression or friendliness. When bringing any dog into your home, work with a trainer to make sure your dog is properly socialized and exposed to the world around them.

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