Poodle: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

Poodle: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

The poodle is an extremely smart, energetic, and friendly dog known for their signature curly coat and three size varieties: toy, miniature, and standard. Under the poodle's frilly, low-shedding coat is a powerful athlete and an overall wonderful companion. These dogs typically get along with people very well and can be trained in a variety of tasks, including work as service and therapy dogs.

Learn more about the appearance, care, history, and pros and cons of the poodle.

Breed Overview

GROUP: Non-Sporting

HEIGHT: Up to 10 inches (toy), 10 to 15 inches (miniature), over 15 inches (standard)

WEIGHT: 4 to 6 pounds (toy), 10 to 15 pounds (miniature), 40 to 70 pounds (standard)

COAT: Curly, long

COAT COLOR: Apricot, black, blue, brown, cafe au lait, cream, gray, red, silver, silver beige, or white

LIFE SPAN: 10 to 18 years

TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, affectionate, active


ORIGIN: Germany


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Characteristics of the Poodle

Poodles tend to have a friendly and outgoing personality. High energy and intelligence also influence their temperament, and they prefer to have an active lifestyle. They generally are good with kids and even open to meeting strangers if socialized properly.

History of the Poodle

Despite being associated with France, poodles trace their origin back to Germany. Going back more than 400 years, Germany had a dog that resembled today’s poodle—a retriever that was skilled in the water. In fact, the breed’s name comes from the German word for puddle.

The standard poodle is the oldest form of the breed. Hunters used this dog to retrieve waterfowl (ducks, in particular), as well as to be a loving and loyal pet. They made ideal companions because of their intelligence and ability to swim. Their coat protected them against the elements, and the hunters gave the poodles their trademark haircut, shaving parts of their body for better range of motion but keeping the hair long around the chest and joints for protection and insulation. 

Although the standard poodle was used for duck hunting, these dogs have also been used to find truffles, and miniature poodles were used in circuses. Then, in the early 20th century in America, the breed was downsized to the toy poodle as more people, including those living in cities, wanted the poodle for companionship rather than a hunting partner.

The American Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1887, and it is still one of the most popular dog breeds in the U.S. today. Even famous people, such as Betty White and Ellen DeGeneres, have shown their love of these dogs.

Poodle Care

Poodles require ample daily exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. They also need consistent training and are typically adept at picking up new skills. Plus, their curly coat needs a fair amount of grooming attention.


All sizes of poodle have a high energy level, along with high mental stimulation needs. They need at least an hour of exercise per day. Brisk walks, jogging, hiking, and swimming are all great options to give them exercise. As retrievers, they love a game of fetch or an opportunity to duck hunt.

They excel in dog sports, such as agility, and even can make great service or therapy dogs. Giving them a job will help keep their minds and bodies happy and healthy.


The poodle is a hypoallergenic breed with minimal shedding, so these dogs can be an option for those with allergies. The coarse, curly, low-shedding, single-layer coat of a poodle grows continuously. It needs regular haircuts to keep it looking its best. Most owners keep the coat short for easier maintenance. You can either learn how to trim it at home or take your poodle to a groomer roughly every four to six weeks.

Regular brushing is essential, as the hair is retained in the coat rather than being shed. This can lead to painful matting if you don’t brush your poodle fully to the skin. It’s best to brush at least two to three times per week, and some owners do so daily.

Baths and nail trims will be required about every four to six weeks. Also, check your dog’s ears at least weekly to see whether they need cleaning or have any abnormalities. Finally, aim to brush your dog's teeth every day.

Some poodles, particularly light-colored dogs, will have tear staining. A vet can examine your dog to ensure there isn’t a blockage in the nasolacrimal duct. If the dog is healthy, you can keep their face clean by wiping it with a damp cloth daily and using a bit of hydrogen peroxide to remove any stains.


Like all dogs, poodles require proper training and socialization to be happy and well-adjusted. Because poodles are extremely smart and eager to please, they can easily be trained to perform a variety of commands and tricks and can do well in dock diving and agility training. They can even be used as service dogs.

Also, start socialization as early as possible by exposing your dog to different people, other dogs, and various settings. Most poodles love people and can even be good in multi-pet households when raised with other pets. Plus, poodles are generally good around children. However, the smaller toy and miniature poodles might not be a good choice with small children who could be too rough with the dog.

Common Health Problems

Poodles are a healthy dog breed overall. But they are prone to some hereditary health issues, including:

  • Hip dysplasia: This orthopedic problem affects the hip joint, impacting its function and stability and creating symptoms like unusual gait, limping, and exercise intolerance.
  • Eye problems: Examples include cataracts (affects the lens of the eye, causing it to become cloudy), progressive retinal atrophy (also known as PRA, it affects the cells in the retina and leads to vision loss), and optic nerve hypoplasia (the optic nerve doesn’t develop properly; this typically affects miniature poodles).
  • Epilepsy: This disease causes seizures.
  • Sebaceous adenitis: This disease, seen in standard poodles, affects the sebaceous glands and can lead to changes in the skin and coat, including hair loss.
  • Von Willebrand’s disease: This is a blood disorder that affects clotting and can lead to symptoms like bruising, bleeding gums, and excessive bleeding.
  • Luxating patella: This condition, which can impact toy poodles, causes the kneecap to slip out of place. Symptoms include limping and the leg bent at an odd angle.
  • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: This orthopedic disorder is typically seen in toy and miniature poodles, and causes degeneration of the hip joint, leading to symptoms like limping, muscle atrophy, and stiffness.
  • Bloat: Also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GVD), this potentially life-threatening problem occurs when the stomach fills with food, gas, or fluid and ends up twisting.
  • Addison’s disease: This condition can impact standard poodles. It affects the adrenal glands, causing them to make inadequate amounts of hormones, which then affects electrolyte levels.
  • Cushing’s disease: This condition causes the adrenals to produce too much cortisol.
  • Hypothyroidism: This condition causes the thyroid gland to underproduce thyroid hormones, resulting in symptoms like lethargy, dull coat, and weight gain.

Diet and Nutrition

Always have fresh water available for your poodle. Most owners feed two measured meals per day of a quality, nutritionally balanced canine diet. Discuss the type of food and the quantity with your vet, as this can vary depending on age, activity level, and other factors. Make sure to factor treats and other extra food intake into your dog’s daily diet to prevent overeating. 

Here’s a general guide to feeding poodles:

  • Standard poodle: 1 1/2 to 3 cups per day, split between two meals
  • Miniature poodle: 3/4 to 1 cup per day, split between two meals
  • Toy poodle: 1/4 to 1/2 cup per day, split between two meals

Where to Adopt or Buy a Poodle

If you’re looking for a reputable breeder puppy, expect to pay around $2,000 on average, though this can vary widely.

Check your local animal shelter and breed-specific rescue groups for a poodle in need of a home. For further information to help connect you with a poodle, check out:

Poodle Overview

The poodle is a very popular breed for many good reasons. These intelligent, loyal, and loving dogs make great pets, but they do have high grooming and exercise requirements. 

Pros of Poodles

  • Generally does well with children
  • Smart and easy to train
  • Low shedder

Cons of Poodles

  • Requires a significant amount of grooming
  • Requires sufficient daily exercise
  • Needs lots of attention

More Dog Breeds and Further Research

As with any breed, if you think the poodle is right for you, be sure to do plenty of research before adopting one. Talk to veterinarians, poodle owners, reputable breeders, and rescue groups to learn more.

If you’re interested in similar breeds, check out:

  • Are poodles good family dogs?

    Well-trained and socialized poodles can make for excellent family dogs. They generally are good with children, though the smaller varieties might be too fragile around kids who don't know how to treat a dog gently.

  • Are poodles good apartment dogs?

    The toy and miniature poodle can be good apartment dogs, though they still need to get out for daily exercise. The standard poodle might be able to live in a spacious apartment as long as they get ample activity each day.

  • Do poodles bark a lot?

    Poodles can bark a lot, regardless of the type, especially if they are triggered by strangers, sounds, other dogs, etc. However, you can train your dog to not bark excessively.

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