Cat Eye Infections and How to Treat Them

Cat Eye Infections and How to Treat Them

Cat eye infections can be uncomfortable and even painful. Cats can get eye infections for several reasons and they may experience multiple symptoms. Here's how to identify a cat eye infection and what you should do about it.

What Are Eye Infections in Cats?

A cat eye infection is a condition where an infectious agent causes disease in one or both eyes. Cats can contract pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria, from their environment or from other animals they come into contact with. If the immune system is unable to fight the infectious agent, an infection will occur.

Symptoms of Eye Infections in Cats

Not all cats with eye infections go through the same symptoms. Your cat may only show one or two clinical signs. Cats with eye infections can show any of the following signs:

  • Redness in the white of the eye
  • Discharge that can be either watery or thick and clear, yellow, or green in color
  • Watery eyes or glassy-looking eyes
  • Squinting
  • Excessive blinking, winking, or keeping an eye closed
  • The third eyelid may protrude, covering part of the eye
  • Swelling or puffiness of the eye or eyelids
  • Pawing at the eye or face, or rubbing it on surfaces
  • Cloudy appearance in eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal discharge
  • Light sensitivity

Infections of the eye can be quite irritating for your cat. A cat that is suffering from one might also be exhibiting behavioral changes, such as hiding more or being more temperamental. Depending on the underlying cause, your cat may become lethargic and lose their appetite.

What Causes Eye Infections in Cats?

Your cat's eye problems could be due to a bacterial or viral infection, but not all eye issues are infectious in nature. Possible infectious and non-infectious causes of eye issues include:

Upper Respiratory Infections

Cats can develop upper respiratory infections that may lead to eye infections. Some are mild and similar to the common cold in people, while others have more severe symptoms. Upper respiratory infections are highly contagious to other cats.

  • Feline Herpes Virus: Feline herpes virus. the 'FVR' in the FVRCP vaccine, is the causative agent for a disease process called feline viral rhinotracheitis. While feline herpes virus is not transmissible to people, once a cat gets it they have the virus for life.
  • Calicivirus: The 'C' in the FVRCP vaccine, calicivirus is a virus that can cause both upper respiratory infection and oral disease in both domestic cats as well as wild cats. It is highly contagious from cat to cat and is commonly seen in both shelter and cattery environments.
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus: Similar to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), FIV affects a cat's ability to fight infection. Cats with FIV commonly contract eye infections.
  • Feline Leukemia: This viral disease is highly contagious and causes several problems in the body, including upper respiratory and eye infections.


Meaning "inflammation of the conjunctiva," this is most similar to pink eye in people. It can be infectious, however, you can't get pink eye from your cat. Conjunctivitis can occur from viral or bacterial agents, or from non-infectious irritants like dust or smoke.


Your cat's eye, just like your own eye, has a thin layer covering the front portion of the eye called the cornea. If your cat has a traumatic injury, they may accidentally scratch their cornea and form a painful ulcer. Foreign material, such as debris or hair, can get stuck in the eye and cause irritation, ulcers, or scratches. These traumatic injuries can become infected.


Allergies in cats can cause itching and inflammation of the eyes, similar to hay fever in people. Rubbing to scratching the eye may lead to an infection.

How Do Vets Diagnose Eye Infections in Cats?

During the physical examination, your veterinarian will examine the eyes with an ophthalmoscope to check for abnormalities. They also do some specific eye tests, which may include:

  • Schirmer tear test or strip meniscometry to assess tear production
  • Intra-ocular pressure to rule out glaucoma
  • Fluorescein staining to check for corneal ulcers or scratches

The results of these tests can tell the vet if there's an underlying eye condition causing the problem, which would require more than the typical eye infection treatments.

Checking for any ulcers or scratches is important because it will determine if your vet will prescribe eye drops with a steroid or without one. Eye drops that contain a steroid can help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with the infection, but it will also delay the healing of a corneal ulcer and can even make it worse. For this reason, a vet will always want to stain the eyes before prescribing certain eye drops.

How to Treat Eye Infections in Cats

Once the testing is complete your veterinarian may prescribe medicated eye drops or ointment. These may contain antibiotics, steroids, or other anti-inflammatory drugs. Depending on the main cause of the infection and the severity of symptoms, oral medications may also be necessary. Your vet will provide home-care instructions and follow-up recommendations. In many cases, your cat will need to wear a cone, or e-collar, to prevent scratching and rubbing at the eye.

Home Remedies

Unfortunately, home remedies and over-the-counter topical treatments won't be effective at fully clearing the infection. You can use a simple saline solution to flush out debris and clean around the eyes, but no other substances should be put into the eye, Always consult with your vet before using any products you have at home as they can make eye infections worse.

Prognosis for Cat Eye Infections

Most cat eye infections heal with treatment, but some take longer than others. The key to your cat's recovery is communication with your veterinarian. Call your vet if the prescribed treatments are not working or making the problem worse. And be sure to see your vet for rechecks within the recommended timeframe. Eye problems can easily turn serious if left unchecked.

How to Prevent Eye Infections in Cats

Looking at the potential causes of eye infections, it may seem like preventing them would be a daunting task. But there are things you can do to prevent your cat from suffering from one.

Eye infections usually aren't serious, but they are unpleasant for your cat to endure. If you suspect your cat is suffering from an eye infection, don't delay in calling your vet to make an appointment for them.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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