Also referred to as the Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless, the Donskoy is a medium-sized, muscular cat that has little (or no) hair due originally to a genetic mutation. Although the Donskoy is sometimes called a Don Spynx, the breed is not related to the Sphynx. These friendly, active cats are known for being very loyal—in fact, their loyalty is often compared to that of dogs—and they are also both intelligent and affectionate.
These curious and playful felines love to cuddle, but can be mischievous as well. Because they are generally quite outgoing and even-tempered, they are a good fit for households with children, other cats, or even dogs. However, they need more grooming than you might expect, and they do not like to be left alone for long stretches of time.
Other Names: Don Sphynx, Russian Hairless
Personality: Affectionate, curious, playful, intelligent, and friendly
Weight: 6 to 15 pounds
Length: 13 to 15 inches
Coat Length: Bald or slight fuzz
Coat Color: Skin can be any color found in felines
Coat Patterns: Skin can have any pattern found in felines
Eye Color: Any color found in felines
Lifespan: 12 to 15+ years
Hypoallergenic: No
Origin: Russia
The first thing you'll notice about a Donskoy cat is their appearance. The next thing is likely to be their outgoing, friendly, and curious personality. These cats are almost dog-like in their enthusiasm for time spent with their humans, as well as their ability to be trained to come to their name, walk on a leash, or even perform simple tricks. They are very affectionate, as well, and love to cuddle, be petted, or sneak into your bed for a nap.
A medium-sized cat with a muscular build, the Donskoy, despite not normally having fur, is not a hypoallergenic breed. They are good-natured cats that get along well with humans young and old, other felines, and most dogs. They do need plenty of your time and affection, however, so are not the best choice for a home that is often empty.
Donskoy cats were first discovered in Rostov-on-Don, Russia in the late 1980s by Elena Kovaleva, a professor of the State Pedagogical Institute. Kovaleva rescued a kitten from a group of boys who were mistreating her. She took the female kitten home and named her Varvara. After a few months, Varvara began losing her hair. Thinking the baldness was due to a health problem, Kovaleva attempted numerous treatments on her kitten’s skin to no avail.
Varvara mated with a local tomcat and produced a litter of kittens a few years later, and the litter included both hairless and haired offspring. However, the kittens with hair eventually began to lose it, thus causing people to believe that their hair loss was caused by some sort of illness. There was little interest in the cats and people encouraged Kovaleva to get rid of them since they appeared to be unhealthy.
When a professional breeder named Irina Nemikina rescued one of the kittens and began a breeding program, the hairless coats continued with subsequent litters, thus confirming that it is an inherited genetic mutation, not an illness, that leads to the fur loss. Nemikina’s breeding efforts created a new cat breed, which she named the Don Sphynx — Don for the nearby Don River and Sphynx as a nod to the cats’ resemblance to the other breed of hairless cat. The World Cat Federation recognized the breed in 1987, and the Donskoy was recognized by the International Cat Association in 2005.
Because they’re hairless (or nearly hairless), Donskoys have unique grooming needs. They won’t need to be brushed, but Donskoy owners will need to wipe down their cats daily whenever possible with a soft, damp towel, as their body produces oils but doesn’t have enough hair to absorb it. Full baths should be given once every month or two, using a gentle shampoo formulated specifically for cats.
As with any cat, your Donskoy should have their claws trimmed regularly, their teeth brushed or wiped at least a few times per week, and their ears gently wiped clean with a cotton ball if wax or other debris accumulates.
These are very active cats, and they love to play, run, and jump. Your Donskoy will generally take care of their own exercise needs, however, as long as you provide plenty of toys, cat trees or similar climbing opportunities, and boxes or cat play tunnels for diving, leaping, and exploring. Still, it's always fun, and a good opportunity for bonding, to take some time each day to interact directly with your cat in a vigorous play session. Your Donskoy will love to chase a tossed crinkle ball, leap for a "cat dancer" feather on a string, or race after you as you drag a ribbon behind you while running through the house.
Note that due to their baldness, these cats can sunburn, become overheated, or become chilled easily, so your Donskoy should remain indoors-only or venture outside only onto a protected, enclosed porch or "catio" for outdoor play and exercise.
With patience, repetition, and plenty of small treats, you can teach your Donskoy to come to his or her name, perform simple tricks, and walk on a leash. These intelligent cats learn quickly and are rather dog-like in their desire to interact with their humans.
For the most part, Donskoys are healthy cats. However, because of their hairless bodies, sunburn, sensitivity to hot and cold weather, and other skin issues are potential concerns. These cats have also been associated with certain dental issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease, so tooth brushing is a must.
Today, not all cat registries recognize the Donskoy, mostly due to concerns about the genetic health of this particular breed. The dominant genetic mutation that causes hairlessness in both Donskoys and Peterbalds could potentially also cause feline ectodermal dysplasia, which is a complex health condition that can include an inability to sweat, abnormal teeth and gum development, and an inability for female cats to lactate after giving birth. Similar dominant mutations can also cause the condition in hairless dogs.
The Donskoy is a muscular, medium-sized cat with a triangular head, large ears, and large eyes that give the cat an elf-like appearance. The most striking characteristic, of course, is their lack of hair, although it is common to have a bit of peach fuzz on the ears and nose. Many Donskoy cats lack whiskers, as well. The skin of a Donskoy is quite wrinkled, especially on the face, neck, chest, and the base of the tail.
Some Donskoy cats grow a light coat of fur during the winter months, but then lose it once the weather grows warm again. These cats can have any color eyes and can be any color or pattern, which displays on their skin. Their colors tend to be rather subdued or "faded," however, and many are a very soft gray, cream, or white.
Because Donskoys have a higher body temperature than most cats, this breed actually tends to eat more to maintain their body temperature during the winter. However, their intake should return to normal once winter is over. As with all pet cats, your Donskoy should eat a diet that is high in protein, moderate in fats, and low in carbohydrates. Whether that diet is purely kibble, all canned food, or a mixture of both is up to you, but your cat should have fresh water available at all times.
Because this is a rare breed of feline, you are unlikely to find one in a shelter or rescue. If you are determined to own a Donskoy, your best bet is to search for breeders online or visit cat shows where these cats compete. Expect to spend between $500-$2500 for a Donskoy cat.
Donskoys can have four different types of coats, based on the amount—or lack—of hair.
The Donskoy is definitely not your average cat: These hairless felines combine an unusual, elf-like appearance with an outgoing, friendly, dog-like personality. These cats are happy to spend time playing and cuddling with their favorite humans, both young and old, and also typically get along well with other cats and cat-friendly dogs.
They do need quite a bit of attention, though, and are not suited to a home where the family is gone for many hours during the day. Plus, they require regular attention to their skin to keep them clean and healthy, and despite the lack of fur, they are not hypoallergenic, although you won't need to worry about hairballs or shedding.
Friendly and good with kids
Easy to socialize
Can develop skin issues easily
Have unique and intensive grooming needs
Can be very expensive
Be sure to do your homework when choosing a cat. Talk to other Donskoy cat owners, reputable breeders, and rescue groups to learn more about this particular breed and their care. There's a variety of cat breeds and with a little research, you can be sure you'll find the right dog to bring home.
If you’re interested in learning more about other cats with unusual coats or no fur, consider these breeds:
The difference between a Donskoy and Sphynx cat is that a Sphynx tends to be more muscular while a Donskoy tends to be longer. The Sphynx also originated in Canada and the Donskoy originated in Russia.
This rare breed tends to be very expensive. A show-quality Donskoy kitten can cost thousands of dollars, and even a kitten not destined for the show ring can cost hundreds of dollars to over a thousand.
Despite their lack of fur, Donskoys are not hypoallergenic. Like other cats, they produce allergenic dander, which can trigger symptoms in susceptible people.
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