10 Russian Cat Breeds

10 Russian Cat Breeds

There are some popular cat breeds, along with some rare felines, that hail from Russia, and there are lots of reasons to love Russian cat breeds. For instance, the Russian blue is a cat breed that's common around the world. But a rare breed, such as the Ussuri, is seldom seen as a companion animal. Russian cat breeds vary widely in appearance and temperament. Many were developed in different parts of Russia, so their ancestry is relatively distinct. 

Here are 10 great cat breeds from Russia.

Breed Characteristics

Many affectionate, intelligent, playful, and energetic cat breeds are from Russia. To narrow down which one is right for your household, consider things like a cat’s grooming requirements and their need for attention.

Some Russian cat breeds are known for their devoted and loyal temperament, so they aren’t ideal if you’re looking for a more independent cat who won’t demand as much of your attention and interaction.

Also, some Russian cat breeds are rare, so they can be difficult to find, both in shelters and from breeders. So, before you set your heart on a breed, consider how easy it will be to actually buy or adopt them.


When considering a rare or unfamiliar cat breed, it’s ideal to interact with a feline representative of that breed before acquiring one as a pet. That way, you’ll be able to judge whether some of the breed tendencies are right for your lifestyle.

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    Russian Blue

    The Russian blue is the most popular cat breed in Russia. This breed's definitive origin isn't clear, though it's widely accepted that it's native to Russia. With their athletic and graceful appearance, Russian blues were favored by the tsars of Russia during the 19th century. These cats tend to have rather reserved natures and can be wary of strangers, but once they get to know you, they develop strong bonds. They're gentle, affectionate, and playful but still independent enough that they're usually content to be left alone for a few hours a day.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 8 to 10 inches

    Weight: 7 to 12 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Intelligent, loving, playful

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Short, dense; silver to dark gray

    Life Span: Up to 20 years

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    The Donskoy originated in the late 1980s in Russia when a breeder crossed a cat carrying a dominant hairless gene with a local tomcat. Donskoys tend to be quite affectionate, smart, and sociable. They prefer to have company for most of the day. And, due to their lack of fur, they need protection both from cold temperatures and sunburn.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 11 to 12 inches

    Weight: 6 to 12 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Smart, friendly, playful, curious

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Little to no fur; skin can be any color and have any pattern

    Life Span: 12 to 15+ years

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    Kurilian Bobtail

    The Kurilian bobtail is a naturally occurring breed that has not been selectively bred. These cats have lived on the Sakhalin Island and the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia for over 200 years. They also have been found on the Kuril Archipelago, which joins Russia with Japan. They may have the look of a wild cat, but they're surprisingly mild-mannered and affectionate. However, given their feral heritage, they do have a high prey drive and energy level.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 9 to 12 inches

    Weight: 11 to 15 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Playful, affectionate, mild-mannered

    Energy Level: High

    Coat and Color: Short to semi-long; variety of colors and patterns, with or without white

    Life Span: Up to 20 years

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    Mekong Bobtail

    The Mekong bobtail, which used to be called the Thai bobtail, was named after the famous river that runs through Southeast Asia. Although the breed occurred naturally in Asian countries located along the river, the Mekong bobtail wasn't formally developed as a breed until it was imported to Russia. Today, these cats are known for being friendly, playful, curious, and sociable.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 7 to 9 inches

    Weight: 8 to 10 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Social, playful, curious

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Short, smooth; variety of pointed colors

    Life Span: 15 to 18 years

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    This breed hails from the Siberian taiga, a vast forested subarctic region in eastern Russia. The region has very long, extremely cold winters, which is why the Siberian cat has a very dense, semi-longhaired triple coat to keep them insulated. Known for being affectionate, Siberians love to be in the company of their humans. They're also playful, active, and intelligent and need plenty of enrichment to keep them from becoming bored.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 8 to 10 inches

    Weight: 8 to 15 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Active, smart, playful, affectionate

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Semi-long; ranges from coarse to soft; full collar ruff; variety of colors

    Life Span: 10 to 18 years

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    Karelian Bobtail

    The Karelian bobtail is a rare Russian cat breed that was first recognized in 1994. It’s generally a friendly and easygoing cat who can adapt to many types of households, including those with kids and other animals. Karelian bobtails enjoy spending time with their family, but they’re also generally quiet and not demanding of attention. 

    Breed Overview

    Height: 8 to 12 inches

    Weight: 10 to 15 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Quiet, friendly, affectionate

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Short to long, dense; variety of colors and patterns

    Life Span: 15 to 18 years

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    The Peterbald originated in Russia in the 1990s via breeding between a Donskoy and an Oriental shorthair. Other cat breeds since have been added to refine the look. These cats are quite smart and love attention. They often will follow their favorite person from room to room and won’t miss the chance to jump in your lap.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 8 to 10 inches

    Weight: 6 to 12 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Intelligent, outgoing, friendly, interactive

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Hairless, light coat, or full coat; various colors and patterns

    Life Span: Up to 15 years

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    Toybobs were first seen in Russia in the 1980s, arising from a spontaneous genetic mutation. A cat with a short, kinked tail was bred with a bobtail cat, resulting in an unusually small kitten with a short tail. Toybobs may always stay roughly the size of an average kitten, but they have big personalities. They love to play and are quite agile while also being content to cuddle in someone’s lap.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 4 to 6 inches

    Weight: 4 to 7 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Playful, affectionate, social

    Energy Level: Medium

    Coat and Color: Short to semi-long; variety of colors  

    Life Span: 14 to 20 years

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    The Ussuri is a very rare cat breed with an uncertain origin. It’s likely that domestic cats bred with wild forest cats in the Amur River region of Russia, creating this hybrid that has quite a unique look. These cats tend to be athletic and active with a strong prey drive. They’re not the most social and outgoing cats, but they do typically form a strong bond with one person in the family.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 9 to 11 inches

    Weight: 11 to 15 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Active, loving, independent

    Energy Level: High

    Coat and Color: Short hair; spotted or striped

    Life Span: 12 to 15 years

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    Neva Masquerade

    The Neva Masquerade cat is a Russian breed that’s simply a colorpoint version of the Siberian cat. These felines also tend to grow slightly larger than the Siberian. They generally are friendly and playful, and can be quite vocal. And they need a fair amount of grooming to keep their coat tidy and free from mats.

    Breed Overview

    Height: 8 to 12 inches

    Weight: 8 to 18 pounds

    Personality/Temperament: Vocal, playful, friendly, loving

    Energy Level: High

    Coat and Color: Long hair; various colors; point coloration

    Life Span: 12 to 15 years

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