46 Egyptian Cat Names

46 Egyptian Cat Names

When it comes to a culture’s affinity for cats, there is no contest: Egypt wins hands down. Cats appear in ancient Egyptian art and writings going back thousands of years. In fact, the Egyptians are credited for likely being the first society to live with and love domesticated felines. This rich history serves as a wonderful inspiration for Egyptian cat names.

Cats hunted and killed vermin like mice, rats, snakes, and scorpions in Egyptian granaries and homes, earning them the utmost reverence for their essential assistance. Cats also featured heavily in Egyptian religion. They appear in drawings and works of art, and many Egyptian goddesses had cat-like heads. Felines were revered and protected—anyone found harming or killing one faced severe consequences. To this day, cats are considered sacred and valued in Egypt. 

It's no wonder, then, that Egyptian cat names are perfect for your precious fur baby and are likely to be unique and interesting.

Top Egyptian Cat Names

Ancient Egyptian deities and mythological creatures serve as inspiration for cat names.

  • Anhur (god of war)
  • Bastet (Egyptian goddess of motherhood; takes the form of a cat)
  • Geb (god of the Earth)
  • Horus (sky god; son of Osiris)
  • Isis (one of the most important Egyptian goddesses; healer, protector of the dead, and goddess of good fortune, travel, and the sea)
  • Osiris (Egyptian god known as the lord of the underworld and judge of the dead)
  • Sekhmet (Egyptian goddess of war and healing; takes the form of a lioness)
  • Seth (brother of Osiris)
  • Sphinx (mythological Egyptian creature with a lion’s body and human head)
  • Maat (goddess of harmony, justice, and truth)
  • Mafdet (Egyptian goddess often depicted wearing a cat skin)
  • Mau (a divine cat who is an aspect of the sun god Ra)
  • Menhit (Egyptian goddess of war; takes the form of a lioness)
  • Mihos (son of Bastet; takes the form of a lion)
  • Mut (Egyptian mother goddess)
  • Nefertum (god of the lotus blossom)
  • Pakhet (“she who scratches,” lioness goddess of war)
  • Ptah (the god of creation; husband of Sekhmet)
  • Ra (also Re; Egyptian sun god)
  • Renenutet (cobra goddess, goddess of suckling, giver of secret birth names, protector of children)
  • Sekhmet (“powerful one,” lioness goddess of war and Ra’s daughter)
  • Sobek (crocodile god)
  • Thoth (Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon)

Tips for Choosing Egyptian Cat Names

Whether inspired by art, history, religion, or even common Egyptian words, the Egyptian cat name you choose is sure to be one of a kind. 

To begin your search, consider your personal interests (are you a history buff or literature aficionado?) as well as your cat’s physical characteristics (for instance, gender, color, and markings), and of course her unique personality. 

These options will get you started on your search for the perfect Egyptian cat name for your new pet.

Royal Egyptian Cat Names

Everyone knows felines are royalty, so choosing an Egyptian cat name based on pharaohs or other rulers just fits.

  • Amenhotep (Egyptian pharaoh)
  • Cleopatra (Egyptian queen)
  • Hatshepsut (the second historically confirmed female pharaoh)
  • Menes (ancient Egyptian pharaoh; founder of the First Dynasty)
  • Merneith (consort and a regent of Ancient Egypt; possibly a ruler)
  • Nefertiti (Egyptian queen)
  • Pharaoh (Egyptian word to describe a ruler or king)
  • Ramses (Egyptian pharaoh; regarded as the most celebrated and powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom)
  • Sobekneferu (female pharaoh)
  • Thutmose (the third pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt; installed the Sphinx Stele)
  • Tutankhamun (the famous Egyptian pharaoh known as King Tut)
  • Twosret (the final pharaoh of the 19th dynasty of Egypt)

Egyptian Cat Names Inspired by Places

Look no further for inspiration for your kitty's name than one of the many beautiful and historically significant places in Egypt. 

  • Abydos (one of the oldest cities of ancient Egypt)
  • Alexandria (the second-largest city in Egypt)
  • Cairo (modern-day capital city of Egypt)
  • Damietta (port city of the Nile Delta)
  • Gezira (an island in the Nile River, in central Cairo)
  • Giza (a city in Egypt; location of the Great Sphinx of Giza)
  • Luxor (a city in southern Egypt)
  • Nile (famous river in Egypt)
  • Ramesseum (the memorial temple of the pharaoh Ramesses)
  • Rosetta (port city of the Nile Delta)
  • Sinai (peninsula in Egypt, home of the biblical Mount Sinai)

For more cat name ideas, check out:

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